Things to do after getting a new MacBook Pro (Apple Silicon)

Things to do after getting a new MacBook Pro (Apple Silicon)

If you own a MacBook Pro for your job then check the enrollment process with your company first and any rules they have in place.

1. Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

2. Install Rectangle App

Get if from here.


brew install --cask rectangle

3. Install NVM

brew install nvm

mkdir ~/.nvm
nano ~/.zprofile

# Paste the following lines inside the file:

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/" ] && \. "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm" ] && \. "/opt/homebrew/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

# Save and exit

source ~/.zprofile

More information here.

4. Install Node.JS

nvm install 18.17.0

5. Install Obsidian

brew install --cask obsidian

6. Install Visual Studio Code

brew install --cask visual-studio-code

7. Install Ansible

brew install ansible

8. Install Kind

brew install kind

9. Install Kubernetes (kubectl)

brew install kubernetes-cli

10. Install Helm

brew install helm

11. Install iTerm2

brew install --cask iterm2

More info here.

12. Install Oh My ZSH

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

13. Download and install Hack Nerd Font

Get it from here

14. Install zsh-zyntax-highlighting plugin

git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

# Activate the plugin in ~/.zshrc:

plugins=( [plugins...] zsh-syntax-highlighting)

15. Install Color LS

sudo gem install colorls

In case of error run:

sudo gem install public_suffix -v 5.1.1

And then rerun the first command.

Now, add the alias to run it with cls or ls, as you wish.

16. Install Stats application

Get it from here

17. Configure any shortcuts with the Shortcuts application

Here is how to do it.

18. Install Colima

brew install colima

Help here.

19. Install Docker and Docker Compose

brew install docker docker-compose

Ignore the message that tells you to do some stuff in the ~/.docker/config.json because taht folder doesn't exist yet.

Just run:

mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins

ln -sfn $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-compose/bin/docker-compose ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose

Here is the source of information.

20. Install K9s

brew install k9s

21. Install Bat

brew install bat

22. Install Vault

brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/vault

To update run:

brew upgrade hashicorp/tap/vault

More info here.

23. Install SSH PASS

brew install sshpass

24. Install JQ

brew install jq

Get it from here

26. Install Brave browser

brew install --cask brave-browser

27. Install Firefox

brew install --cask firefox

28. Install Bruno and Bruno CLI

brew install --cask bruno

npm install -g @usebruno/cli

More info here and here.

29. Install QR Encode

brew install qrencode


qrencode -o blog.png ""

30. Install HexEdit

brew install hexedit

Tips and Tricks

50 macOS Tips and Tricks Using Terminal (the last one is CRAZY!) - NetworkChuck