Textual Progress Bar in Node.JS
Code to create a textual progress bar in Node.JS.
Recently I needed to diaplay a progress bar for one Node.JS program that runs in the console.
I found out it was rather easy but trickey, here is the code that I am using, these are two different functions that do the same thing.
function sleep(milliseconds) {
return new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, milliseconds))
async function progressBarNoParams() {
let totalOperations = 223;
let lengthInChars = 54;
let dotCounter = 0;
let operationCounter = 0;
for (i = 0; i < totalOperations; i++) {
operationCounter = i + 1; // The number of operations doesn't start from 0 because is not an index
dotCounter = Math.round((operationCounter * lengthInChars) / totalOperations);
const dots = ".".repeat(dotCounter);
const left = lengthInChars - dotCounter;
const empty = " ".repeat(left);
const progressCounter = Math.round((operationCounter * 100) / totalOperations);
process.stdout.write(`\r[${dots}${empty}] ${progressCounter}%`);
// console.log(` : ${dotCounter} , ${operationCounter}`); // Debug
// Do something here ...
await sleep(20);
// ...
async function progressBarYesParams() {
let totalOperations = 10;
let dotCounter = 0;
let operationCounter = 0;
for (i = 0; i < totalOperations; i++) {
operationCounter = i + 1; // The number of operations doesn't start from 0 because is not an index
dotCounter = displayProgressBar(87, dotCounter, operationCounter, totalOperations);
// Do something here ...
await sleep(80);
// ...
function displayProgressBar(lengthInChars, dotCounter, operationCounter, totalOperations) {
dotCounter = Math.round((operationCounter * lengthInChars) / totalOperations);
const dots = ".".repeat(dotCounter);
const left = lengthInChars - dotCounter;
const empty = " ".repeat(left);
const progressCounter = Math.round((operationCounter * 100) / totalOperations);
process.stdout.write(`\r[${dots}${empty}] ${progressCounter}%`);
// console.log(` : ${dotCounter} , ${operationCounter}`); // Debug
return dotCounter;
async function main() {
// Start demo
await progressBarNoParams();
await progressBarYesParams();
Here are the results: