Install and run Konga GUI for Kong OSS with Docker
I assume that you have an instance of Kong already up and running in localhost and the Admin API is listening on port 8001.
- Get the GUI container:
sudo docker pull pantsel/konga
- Start Kong Dashboard:
sudo docker run -d --name konga-gui \
--network host \
-p 1337:1337 \
-e "NODE_ENV=production" \
-e "TOKEN_SECRET=mysecrettoken" \
- Go to http://localhost:1337
- Fill-in the fields with a username, e-mail, password and click on CREATE ADMIN. This will redirect you to the login page, go ahead and login with the credentials you just entered.
- You will see the welcome dashboard in which you need to configure your connection to Kong:
Name: Local_Kong
Kong Admin URL: http://localhost:8001
- Click on CREATE CONNECTION and you are all done.
After rebooting, use the following commands to start the containers:
sudo docker container start konga-gui