How to increase memory in HP Fortify Audit Workbench 4.10

Today I faced some issue when using Fortify. I was getting something like this:

[error]: There is not enough memory available to complete analysis.  For details on making more memory available, please consult the user manual

[warning]: There were 2 problems with insufficient memory. Results may be incomplete. Consider allocating more memory.

I did look in the user manual and this is how I solved it.

My PC has 8GB of RAM installed. The user manual says that you should not allocate more than two thirds of the total memory so I did assign 5460 MB which is on the limit.

I added this line right below the set of the path variable in the auditworkbench.cmd file:

set SCA_VM_OPTS=-Xmx5460M

I also added the following line at the end of the file:


This worked for me. I think with either of those should work but I just didn’t want to leave any space for errors.
