Copy-Paste-Run-Ready string encryption / decryption with AES-256 in Node.JS

Copy-Paste-Run-Ready string encryption / decryption with AES-256 in Node.JS
/* --- Code ready to copy -> paste -> run --- */
// Libraries
const crypto = require('crypto');
const ENCODING = "hex"; // hex or base64

// Implementations
function encryptAES256(clearMsg, key) {
    let iv = crypto.randomBytes(16); // Generating 16 byte random IV
    let cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(
        crypto.createHash("sha256").update(key, "utf8").digest(), // 32 bytes always for the key
    return (Buffer.concat([
        iv, // Adding the IV at the beginning of the encrypted message (

function decryptAES256(encMsg, key) {
    let decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(
        crypto.createHash("sha256").update(key, "utf8").digest(), // 32 bytes always for the key
        Buffer.from(encMsg, ENCODING).slice(0, 16) // Extracting the IV from the encrypted string (16 bytes)
    return (Buffer.concat([
        decipher.update(Buffer.from(encMsg, ENCODING).slice(16)), // Extracting the encrypted message from the encrypted string

// Exporting the functions to use it as a module
// module.exports.encryptAES256 = encryptAES256;
// module.exports.decryptAES256 = decryptAES256;

// Demo / Test
let e = encryptAES256("Hello World!", "test");
console.log("> Encrpyted: " + e);

let d = decryptAES256(e, "test");
console.log("> Decrpyted: " + d);

Sample output:

> Encrpyted: 0e5cf8a690a300c4e5dbdad1f168aa0a35a0762b122654dc82547eaa8fc8d430
> Decrpyted: Hello World!