Configure static IP address in Fedora 39

Here is how to configure a static IP address in Fedora 39.

Configure static IP address in Fedora 39

Here is how to configure a static IP address in Fedora 39:


  1. Go to Settings > Network
  2. Click on the gear icon at the right of Connected - 1000 Mb/s
  3. Click on IPv4 tab in the dialog window
  4. Select Manual and type your static IP address, network mask, and gateway in the Addresses section. Click on Apply to save changes and exit the window
  5. To check everything is ok you can run ifconfig command from any terminal and you should see the IP address you just configured on the corresponding interface.

Command line (Terminal)

  1. List the available connections and identify the name of the one you want to configure a static IP address on.
nmcli connection show


ghost@quieter3:~$ nmcli connection show
NAME                UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE 
DEFCON_97235        1fb8ecc6-2713-47c3-9c63-8ceb91a8fff1  wifi      wlp3s0 
Wired connection 1  aad51190-2dc1-3501-aa8f-8e5b98d3fd9d  ethernet  --     

  1. Configure the static IP address withe the following command:
sudo nmcli connection modify "DEFCON_97235" ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns ""

You will be promted for your password.
3. Reactivate the connection to apply the changes:

sudo nmcli connection up "DEFCON_97235"


ghost@quieter3:~$ sudo nmcli connection up "DEFCON_97235"
Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/2)

That's it. You can run ip a to verify the changes have been applied.